Hello! (Hello, hello, hello, hello)
What that an echo?! Ugh, it's been awhile.
It's always so hard to come back to your blog after taking such a long time off. I mean, I'm less than a week away from having neglected this poor thing for a full 4 months! It's not something I'm proud of, but... it's something that I had to do.
You guys, I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but this school year was so tough. I was constantly sick, I had a huge range of learning levels in my classroom, I had students who demanded a lot of my attention (in both good and not-so-good ways), there were other issues that needed dealt with, and I just didn't have the time or energy to do much else after getting home from school. Out of obligation, I made the choice to prioritize my classroom over most other things.
But, it's summer break! I finally have the time and energy to give this blog some much-needed attention. And, instead of trying to catch everyone up on the past 4 months of my life, I'm just going to start with a clean slate. I do have many goals for over the summer, and one of them (thank goodness!) is to prioritize my blog. I also have some other things in the works, but that will come later. :)
Until then!
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