July 18, 2016

Wonderful Weekend (Part 1!)

Look, I'm alive!

Hey, c'mon. Give me a break. I'm new to this whole "blogging" thing. I'm also in grad school (which is my excuse for everything these days) and didn't have time to schedule any posts ahead of time. Unless, of course, you want to read about literacy assessments for emergent readers? I didn't think so.

Anyway! Let's talk about our amazing weekend!

As you hopefully read on my last blog post, we had plans last Wednesday night to see Koo Koo Kangaroo in Delaware. It was so fun! I will admit, though, that I was incredibly starstruck when I saw the guys walking around before the show. I ran away from them... literally, I ran to the other side of the room. Eek! Eventually, though, I calmed down enough to enjoy the show.


The show was at the Orange Library, and they had everyone shoved into the back storytelling area. It was a mess! There was no room to stand, no room to sit, and no air to breathe. But, B&N made the best of it and were fantastic! We stood around afterward and got to meet them! You can tell how hot it was just by looking at the pictures.

Okay, fast-forward to Thursday. The day I had been waiting for my whole life (well, okay, for at least a year): CHRIS COLFER NIGHT! We were both thrilled to be going, but... guys, it was a bad morning and afternoon for me. I couldn't focus on anything. I couldn't do laundry, couldn't clean, couldn't do schoolwork, couldn't read, couldn't do anything except pace back and forth across our entire house. If you look closely, there are probably grooves in the carpet... I wish I was kidding.

When Thomas finally got home from work around 3:30pm, I gave him approximately 45 seconds to get ready before demanding to leave the house and get there early. Luckily, he was excited, too! We got to the Bexley High School at around 4pm. There wasn't really a line; just people sitting around in the lobby area. Once more people started arriving, Thomas sort of arranged everyone into a line so that we were more organized.

The girls we stood with in line were absolutely awesome! We chatted the night away about Chris, Glee, Darren, Twitter, and other random nothings. In fact, we discovered that one of the people I had chatted with on Twitter about the Colfer event was standing with us! Small world, right?

When they started scanning tickets to get into the auditorium, I'm pretty sure that my heart actually stopped. I was so nervous and excited! We got our signed books and went inside.

Guys... Chris was amazing. He is so young and so accomplished! He was also incredibly charming and kind to everyone. Watching him interact with the kids in the crowd was heartwarming. I see far too many people talking down to kids because they just don't understand them, but Chris really seems to "get" them. It was awesome.

Instead of dumping all of my pictures here, I'll just put a few of the best ones. Enjoy! 

This last one is my favorite because, seriously, he's so cheerful!

To try and get more chances to meet Chris, we bought some extra books... but, unfortunately, we didn't win the meet-and-greet raffle. I was pretty bummed, but the night was still pretty perfect!

I think I'm just going to go ahead and end this post here... but, as some as you know, there's more to this story! Check back in tomorrow for the update. It might surprise you!

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